Worldwide Waypoints, LLC needs To Build A Team
Join the Outdoor Events Team
Worldwide Waypoints, LLC (Worldwide) needs to grow its team. We need both Country/Industry Representatives and Student Interns. These needs are spread across geographic country/regions and within specific industries. See the ever changing breakdown below.
These requirements are relative to the 3 flavors of the App.
See position descriptions, remuneration and benefits below.
Country Representatives
These positions are basically one-per-country or region as stated below.
This person is responsible for information gathering, contacting prospective event organizers, helping collect and formatting organization event data, initial setup in the app and placement of Event Packs on our web servers for user access.
This person will figure out how to monetize the app within their designated region per Event Promoters. Initially Worldwide is providing the core app (Outdoor Events) for free to both users and Event Promoters. This will change for the Event Promoters depending which of the 3 flavors they chose to use and the monetization plan developed.
Find prospective Event Organizers who wish to have their own custom (reskinned/rebranded) version of the Outdoor Events app. Determine the appropriate annual fee structure for the custom app.
Remuneration is simple. You “eat 50% of what you kill”. Any revenue you generate will be split 50/50 with Worldwide Waypoints LLC.
The following areas currently require Country Reps.
Mountain Clubs App
- Africa Mountain Clubs (covers all Africa)
- Canada Mountain Clubs
- USA Mountain Clubs
- Italian Mountain Club (CAI)
- European Mountain Clubs (based on languages)
My First Flyer
My First Flyer Placement with Singaman Lama & Glen Fobelets
African Safaris App
Africa Safari Rep (covers all Africa)
Wiki Cruises App
World Cruise Lines Rep (covers all areas)
Spirit Bikepacking App – Filled
Cycling Rep (Miro is my man!)
Send Livio an email with comments and questions. Or let us know if you want to include your treks & adventures in the app (describe what you are offering).
See who is featured in the Trekking Nepal app…
Worldwide Waypoints, LLC the company site.