Livio’s Super 8 Film Reels

These are my old Super 8 Film Reels. They were converted from film to video back in the 90’s and are SD size and even less in terms of quality (and to think that we thought that Super 8 was so much better than regular 8 mm film).

Algonquin Camping 1977 Film

We hitchhike to Algonquin for a canoeing camping trip with Greg Harding, Terry Calligan, David Gillis and myself. I think this trip happened on summer vacation when we were 16-17 years of age 1977 (perhaps).


Goofy Indian Attack Skit

A skit we made up at the camp of an Indian attack. Dumb but camping back before smart phones was pretty basic.


Pinery Long Weekend May 24, 1978 Film

Or maybe 1979. A typical Canadian long-weekend camping trip with the boys, specifically Gord Martin (RIP), Terry Calligan, Sam Porco, Steve Cucuz (Chooch), Chucky Hudson, Charlie Jurcic, Layne MacDermit, Dave Pomeroy and me). Lots of dumb stuff.


Pinery Long Weekend Shorts

More of the Pinery weekend antics.


Greg’s Cottage 1977

Finally some footage from our stay at Greg’s cottage. Me (Livio), Greg Hardin, David Gillis and Terry Calligan.



I dedicate this page to Gord Martin, who left the gang way too early. RIP Gord.

I also need to add Lisa Bacalarz Label, who left us this year (2023).

The Class of 1979 – Orchard Park High School

Ontario, Canada (not the one in New York).

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