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Cycling from St Petersburg to Orlando Florida

This is a quick post about me cycling from St Petersburg to Orlando Florida with my son, Seth. I provide details that include my route map, costs and photos purely for motivational purposes. This is a self-guided adventure on a shoestring. Follow the links to dig deeper into the adventure.

No plan and little gear. It was our motto. I’d convinced (or coerced) Seth that it would be fun to cycle to Orlando and hang out with my good friend RJ. So we threw together some gear, two junk bikes and then set out. This is back in 2002, a few years before Google Maps and the simplicity of data plans.

Day 1-St Pete to Hwy 52 (65.6 miles)

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Day 2 Ride – to Withlacoochee State Park

Day 3 – Withlacooche State Park to Orlando

East on #50 to RJ’s in Orlando (51.9 miles)

3 / 11

Total Cost Range of this Activity is: $

Costs for accommodation was $0 since we free camped on the way and then stayed at RJ’s for free. The only cost was food which was not worth mentioning.

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