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Langtang Trek in Nepal

This is a quick post about how to do the Langtang Trek in Nepal. The trek included a summit of Tserko Ri (5024m). I provide details that include maps, costs, logistical requirements and facts as well as links to additional details, photos and videos. This is a self-guided adventure on a shoestring. Follow the links to dig deeper into the adventure.

Most people consider Nepal’s Langtang trek as a short unspectacular trek north of Kathmandu that you do only if you have limited time.
Its two larger siblings, Everest and Annapurna get all the attention and glamour, yet it is now my opinion that Langtang is the Cinderella stepchild of treks. Even I fell prey to the glamour of Everest (twice) and Annapurna, before I even considered Langtang. Then when I finally set it as an objective I found it very difficult to find volunteers willing to join me on the trek. After three weeks of pitching I gave up and set a drop-dead date. Up until the last moment I did get a few tentative commitments, but in the end only one pre-defined person showed up for the 7 am bus ride from hell. Read the rest of the narrative on the Langtang Trek Narrative page.

Total Cost Range of this Activity is: $

Cost Details:

2 Nights in Kathmandu (before & after trek)
Bus to/from Syiphru Besi (trailhead)
7 nights GH’s & meals on the trek
Misc munchies, drinks, etc
TIMs permit
Park Entrance/Conservation pass
Total $140
2008 prices

Trek Timeline

This was a very fast 7 day trek.
Day 1 – Bus from Ktm to Syaphru Besi (Buddha GH)
Day 2 – Syaphro Besi to Lama Hotel (Sherpa GH) *
Day 3 – Lama Hotel to Langtang (Buddha GH same name, different place) *
Day 4 – Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa (Nameste GH) *
Day 5 – Summit Tsergo Ri (the long way back) & another night in Kyanjin Gompa
Day 6 – Kyanjin Gompa back to Lama Hotel (Sherpa GH)
Day 7 – Lama Hotel back to Syaphru Besi (Buddha GH)
Day 8 – Bus back to Kathmandu

* All three guesthouses, Sherpa in Lama Hotel, Buddha in Langtang, and Nameste in Kyanjin Gompa, are owned by the same family.


Langtang Trek Area Map 1

Click to watch Video

Langtang Trek Area Map 2

Langtang Trek Summit Route 1

Langtang Trek Summit Route 2

Trek Outline (without summit data)

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Link to Narrative
Link to other Langtang Trek (with motorcycling & summit)

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